Where are the best Charlotte North Carolina Real Estate opportunities? Sub prime foreclosures? Let's consider what these really are.
A sub-prime loan is a high risk loan for a person with poor credit. The odds are this person was a renter but the government decided to have lenders create new opportunities; home ownership for all! Nice idea but not very well thought out. The reason some people have poor credit is they have trouble living within their means and managing money. The answer is not to lend them more money but to teach them how to manage their current situation.
What happens when this new disillusioned home owner faces reality? The homes are typically not well maintained and left in less than ideal shape. If you are looking for "paint and carpet" (like they told you on TV) you are better off watching cartoons. The real world is much different.
The best opportunity is for Charlotte New Homes. When the sub prime market self destructed, the media panicked the housing market. No, people with good credit were not and are not in trouble, it is only the people that had poor credit to begin!
So why new homes? The builders already had many home contract in progress when the market panic occurred. They continued building but many of their potential buyers either panicked, had a sub prime loan or can not sell their first home.
This is an opportunity for a home owner. The builders are willing to reduce their profit margins in order to sell these "Inventory Homes". Who has the best deals? Is this best for home owners or investors? How can you tell where the neighborhood will be in 3 years?
I, as a well educated Charlotte Realtor will be pleased to assist. Share your concerns and we can work though any obstacle. Visit Charlotte North Carolina Real Estate and let me know your thoughts or concerns.