Many people are looking for a great deal but most are still too timid to realize a great deal when it is right in front of them! It is incredible how many times I have worked with various buyers of Charlotte Homes and we find a deeply discounted home! The buyer then thinks that the deal should be better and tries to low ball the deeply discounted home. These offers are a waste of time and not worth the 3 plus hours to write the offer.
If a home is priced aggressively, the seller priced the home to sell. The lenders have a very good understanding of market values. They are pricing the homes to sell. The opportunist is realizing this and purchasing aggressively priced foreclosures. If the market does not return to $310,000 and returns to $250,000, you have made over $50,000 for living in your home! This scenario is based on one of my recent sales when the buyer purchased the bank owned home. We placed 4 offers on other aggressively priced homes prior to getting this home. Their foreclosure home was in amazing condition and reflects the previous owner had a lot of class (something that money does not buy) and just had an unfortunate situation occur.
It is time to purchase Charlotte Foreclosure Homes for Sale! If the political shift occurs in November, the Government becomes fiscally responsible, the economic activity will increase! Prices AND interest rates will follow! Millions sit on the fence when opportunity is in font of their eyes. Later the same people sit and wonder why they did not react???? It really is not rocket science. Follow your instincts and live without fear! You need a home to live for the rest of your life. Keep the needs of you and your family in perspective. Call today. Rick Waite 704-770-6559 and we will consider all of your needs and find the best deal possible! Let's get that home that is sure to keep a smile on here face for years to come!